KIPP Capital Region Board of Trustees

KIPP Capital Region Public Schools is governed by a local board of trustees – all members of the Capital District Community. While we get access to resources and best practices via the KIPP Foundation, decisions are all made locally.

Board of Trustees

John P. Reilly, Chair
Dr. Kimberly Young-Wilkins, Vice Chair
Sharif Kabir, Secretary
Ron Mexico, Interim Treasurer
Dr. Don- Lee Applyrs, Trustee
Robert Bellafiore, Trustee
Dr. Shai Butler, Trustee
Amari Duncan, Trustee
Gina Feliciano, Trustee
Jessica Gray, Trustee
Kelly Kimbrough, Trustee
Carl Young, Trustee

Executive Committee
John Reilly, Chair
Dr. Kimberly Wilkins, Vice Chair
Sharif Kabir, ESQ, Secretary
Staff liaison: Stephanie Valle

Finance Committee
Ron Mexico, Interim Chair
Bob Bellafiore
Michelle Moore*
Staff liaison: Connor LeClair

Governance Committee
Dr. Shai Butler, Chair
Carl Young
Ron Mexico
Staff liaison: Tabitha Cropper

Development Committee
Amari Duncan, Chair
Bob Bellafiore
Kelly Kimbrough
Staff liaison: Natalie Orcutt

Academic Committee
Dr. Kimberly Young-Wilkins, Chair
Dr. Don-Lee Applyrs
Carl Young
Alton Campbell*
Staff liaisons: Maisie Wright, Ajat Mehta

* denotes non-trustee committee member

Meeting Schedule

August 28th 7:30 AM
October 23rd 7:30 AM
December 18th 7:30 AM
January 21st 7:30 AM
February 26th 7:30 AM
April 30th 5:00 PM
June 11th 7:30 AM

Public Comment Policy

All meetings are open to the public and a portion of each agenda is set aside for speakers. Each public comment will be limited to three minutes. Individuals are welcome to share statements to the board in writing as well. To address the Board, please email the school at by noon the day before the meeting at which you wish to speak.

Click here for more information.