KIPP Capital Region offers seven schools in Albany and Troy. Our team of educators work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders to positively impact our neighborhoods throughout the Capital Region.

KIPP Albany Community Charter Elementary School is a kindergarten through grade five elementary charter school located in the South End of Albany.

KIPP Albany Community Charter Middle School, which opened in 2012, serves our students in grades six through eight.

Students ranging from kindergarten to fourth grade build a strong foundation of literacy and math skills, participating in field trips and enrichment classes that include Physical Education, Science, Theater, Dance, Music, and Spanish.

Students in fifth through eighth grades acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and character habits necessary to succeed in high school, college, and beyond.

Students from kindergarten to fourth grade are in an environment that allows the whole child to grow, with teachers using classroom community-building and social-emotional learning to support academic and character development.

Students from grades fifth through eighth grades work in a instructional model that supports students’ academic and personal growth.

Students in grades 9 through 12 are in a community where students feel loved and nurtured so they can be their best each and every day.